As new COVID-19 cases continue to rise, some states more than others, self-quarantine is no longer a choice mandatory in some estates. So in order to say active one must be very innovating and persistent in some simple routines.
Even if the place that you live has a gym, it’s not always safe, and even more, if wearing a mask is required, it is hard enough to breathe thru one, so it’s even harder on a thread mill. Not even counting that most gyms are temporarily closed.
Staying at home for long periods of time can impose a significant challenge in remaining physically active. Low levels of physical activity can have negative effects on health. Not even mentioning the stress that it can cause on an individual.
Physical activity and relaxation in a time like this can be very beneficial to maintain strong and have strength and energy to deal with the pandemic on a daily basis.
Be creative and while staying active.

If a trip to the gym is no possibility, try a brisk walk in the park. A good thirty minutes workout can be easily achieved in the comfort of your own home. Even if you have limited space. The following are some tips on how to stay active and reduce sedentary behavior while at home in self-quarantine:
Take short active breaks during the day.
Dedicate some time in your day to practice some kind of exercise. Physically or mentally, the important thing is that is implemented. Yoga can do wonders to reduce stress levels. If your choice is physical, the possibilities to workout at home are endless. It could simply be floating around your room to the sound of your favorite music if you dance for the length of 3 music that would give you roughly 10 to 13 minutes of uninterrupted exercise. If the equipment is an issue, use a chair to do some bench press use the back of your sofa to stretch as much as possible. Be creative, the most important is to move and not hide behind NETFLIX.
Online classes are a great option.
Take advantage of online exercise classes. Many of these are free and can be found on YouTube. You can choose from a number of exercises from Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Jazzercise, Zumba, and even some dance steps like salsa or samba. Just remember all practice must be done with safety first, therefore follow the instructions is a must. Take it slow and ease yourself into it.

Stay in touch with friends is the perfect chance to stay active, while on the phone move around the house, if you have a garden even Better, just don’t seat in a comfy chair, that easily turns into a dark hole. Order a bouncing ball and bounce while watching your favorite movie, you may not think that it’s not enough, but experts actually start warm-up in exercises classes with a simple bounce ball. It really does gets your heartbeat up.
Eating right and having plenty of fluid is important.

It is very important to eat food that helps your body to stay healthy. Staying hydrated is vital, void sodas, and limit alcohol intake as these do not count as hydrating elements. Stock with fresh fruits and vegetables. Supplement with good protein and good fat. Now is the perfect time to try all those recipes that you have been saving for years, but never had the time do prepare it. Practicing good habits can only improve your life.